Who we are

Executive Director
Over a period of more than 20 years as a business and project manager Henrik Tomforde, a graduate engineer, has gained comprehensive experience in the areas of product engineering, industrialisation, supplier base development, supplier management and quality management. His extensive management experience led even time-critical projects to success by consistently applying structured and analytical work processes.
With profound knowledge in project planning and development of cast, plastic and elastomeric components and their global industrialisation, he manages cross-sector projects. Within the context of his work Henrik Tomforde has been supervising projects for the following enterprises: BMW, VW, Audi, Porsche, Daimler, Bugatti, Still, Volvo Trucks, UD Trucks, Ford, Vibracoustic, Ricardo, Hansa Heiztechnik and Bosch.
Core capabilities & project experience
- Corporate strategy and development, organisational development
- Project management
- Supplier base development and supplier management
- Business continuity management and incident management
- Industrialisation
- Human resources development
- Process and cost optimisation projects within the automotive industry
- Cross-cultural skills
- Interim management
- Personnel management
- Change control management
- Quality management:
8D, Ishikawa, 5Why, QVP/APQP, FMEA, PPAP etc. - Optimisation of process cycles
- FMEA moderation
- Relocation management

Senior Director | Project management
Ingo Härtel is Senior Director and Project Manager at Tomforde Engineering. He has more than 20 years of management and consulting experience in project management, motor sports management, development work and strategy development within various industry sectors.
Ingo Härtel has been working for the following companies: Inghart, IKRW, Vibracoustic. Within the scope of development work and project support, he supervises projects for companies such as BMW, Audi, VW, Femalk, Yamaha, Honda, MV Agusta, SBS, Dunlop, Pirelli, ZF Sachs, Bosch and KTM.
Core capabilities & project experience
- Project planning and management
- Corporate strategy and development, organisational development
- Supplier base development
- Employee training
- Process and cost optimisation projects within the automotive industry
- Cross-cultural skills
- Motor sports management and consulting
- Business continuity management
- Change control management
- Quality management:
8D, Ishikawa, 5Why, QVP/APQP, PPAP etc. - Relocation management